Thursday, April 29, 2010

Who knew?

So this week at camp has been pretty crazy for me, working on the "summer staff" project. Who knew hiring summer staff was so complicated?!
See what paperwork everyone has or is missing. Schedule interviews. Mail paperwork. Call to verify references. Notify everyone of the training dates. Copy W4 forms. Sort through forms and references that come in the mail and add them to the correct file. Rearrange file cabinets to make room for the 2010 paperwork. Create personnel files for new staff. WOW! It can be mind-boggling and tiring... but I do enjoy it! It's a good challenge! :-)

The counselor count is rising, but we are still in need of a few more, especially guys. Please keep praying about that!

In other news... it's a beautiful spring here in East Tennessee! My youngest sister turned 9 last week, and another sister turns 13 soon. Man, they are growing up fast!! I'm getting old. haha. God is good and His lovingkindness endures forever!!! :-)

God bless,

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello again!
My family and I have been visiting my sister Briana at her apartment for the past couple of days. She lives a couple of hours from us and is an actress at a theater. On Sunday, we went to see her closing performance of "Annie." They did a 50-show run of that musical. Today we are going to see her perform in a play called "Duck Hunter Shoots Angel." I have no idea what it's about, but I've heard some pretty interesting things about it, so we'll see! This one is her first big speaking part, so I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Things have been running smoothly -- and very busy! -- at Camp for the past few weeks. It's only 5 weeks until the summer camp season starts, so we are down to the nitty-gritty of hiring summer staff and all that fun stuff! Actually, recruiting counselors has been something I've really enjoyed working on. :-) We're in need of quite a few more, though. We need about 32 counselors per week, and currently we only have about 12 per week. This morning in my quiet time I read Matthew 9:37-38, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Definitely a prayer we can pray for camp right now!

Have a wonderful week and God bless!