Sunday, June 11, 2017

An open letter to summer

 Dear summer,

Over the last several years, our relationship has come to revolve around one thing – summer camp ministry. It’s fun and adventurous and all kinds of crazy, and we’ve seen so many kids’ lives changed by the Lord… but it’s also really tough.

Sometimes I miss the things we used to do together – days at the water park, trips to the beach, shorts and flip flops, lazy afternoons on the porch swing. Summer, you’re not easy and relaxing anymore like you were back in the day. Not since I became part of this camp ministry in Alaska.

Year-round hoodie weather!

These days are exhausting.

The details are stressful.

This work load is sometimes too overwhelming.

Sometimes, summer, I feel like you’re just too much and I need a break from you. These days I struggle to even find time to spend with the Lord or to refill my emptied-out self. You take everything I’ve got.


But I’m reminded that you’re a season of encouragement and spiritual renewal for so many youth who come to this camp. You provide opportunity for young people to step away from their normal and come aside to a beautiful place where they are taught of Jesus. And my exhaustion is part of what paves the road to their revival. While I am feeling ‘poured out,’ someone else is being filled up.

And so I think you are worth it, summer. The long days, short nights, and stress you bring me are worth it if I am where God has called me to be, and if more children are brought into the Kingdom of God.


With fondness, sleepiness, and mixed feelings,
