Tuesday, August 22, 2017

My Almost First Kiss


He was pretty much my best friend. We worked together, had a mutual friend group, and hung out a lot, which progressed to a closer friendship, texting throughout the days, and late-night chats.

I hadn’t seen it, but one of our mutual friends ‘tipped me off’ that he had feelings for me, which kinda freaked me out. Because though I recognized that I had feelings for him, too, I could also see that our lives weren’t heading the same direction, and he wasn’t the one God had for me. So we agreed to keep it in the friend zone, but continued with all the talking and texting.

That February, I was lying in bed with my phone, texting him goodnight. I mentioned that I wished I had a date for Valentine’s Day.

He offered to take me out on a date. As friends, of course.

Admittedly, that’s exactly what I’d been hoping for when I said that.

So I agreed to a Valentine’s Day date, just as friends.

On the evening of February 14th, he picked me up with chocolates and flowers in hand, like a real gentleman. We went out to dinner, shared a dessert, cruised around town in his awesome little car, and went to see a movie at the dumpiest little theater in town, where only one other couple was in the whole room.

We had an amazing night, full of laughter.

After the movie, he drove me back to the house and we stood in the front yard talking for a few minutes. I was cold, and he put his arm around me to warm me up.

And oh, I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted it so badly.

But he didn’t.

Because we were just friends…. friends who really liked each other, but just friends.

After we parted ways, I talked to God and told Him how much I’d wanted my first kiss that night, how disappointed I was. The next morning during my quiet time, my head and heart still churning with these feelings, I came across Isaiah 30:13.

“This iniquity will be to you
like a breach about to fall,
like a bulge in a high wall,
whose collapse comes suddenly in an instant.”

In context, this Scripture is speaking prophecy to Israel regarding their sin and rebellion. I recommend leaving Scripture in its intended context, unless the Holy Spirit absolutely enlightens it to you in a specific way. Just saying.

Anyway, in the moment I read that, I felt God was telling me if I’d had that kiss the night before… if I had gotten what I wanted, given in to my desire, and kissed him, I would have been like that crumbling wall in the Scripture.

You see, I knew I wasn’t supposed to be with him, but I was holding my feelings for him just barely in check.

A kiss from him would have set those feelings free, I wouldn’t have been able to stop them, and I would be tumbling into a dating relationship that I wasn’t meant to be in.

And I realized something else, too. I had saved my first kiss for that long already. Twenty-something years. That’s a long time to save a first kiss, but I was committed to waiting for the right man. So why, after saving it twenty-something years, would I want to carelessly give it away on a fuzzy-feeling-filled, friend-zone Valentine’s Day date?

My first kiss was worth more than that. And I’m so thankful that I didn’t give it away that night.

Because I loved that friend dearly and I had a blast with him in that life season…

But a few years later, I stood under the Northern Lights in Alaska and shared my very first kiss with the man who I knew would be my husband. And it was beautifully magical.

Twenty-something years is a long time to save a first kiss, but every year of waiting was worth it.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Speaking Truth Over My Body

I woke up early and stuck my basal thermometer in my mouth – just like every morning.

Two minutes later, my temperature reading was low – just like every morning.

If you’re not familiar with basal temperature charting, the basic premise is that body temperature rises when ovulation occurs, and drops again right before menstruation. Many women use this simple method to track the monthly rise and fall, to know where they are in their cycle.

In my case, it’s just frustrating to wake up and temp, morning after morning, and never see that elusive “rise” for weeks or months. Another low temperature meant that my hormones still weren’t right, and I still wasn’t having normal cycles. Thanks for nothing, PCOS.

All that to say, that morning I was disappointed. Angry. Frustrated. Wondering why my body couldn’t work right. And definitely not talking nicely to myself. 

So, still lying in bed, I began to pray – trying to refocus my thoughts, to be okay, to get to a mental and emotional place where I could start the day right. As I silently prayed, the Lord brought the Armor of God from Ephesians 6 to my mind, so I began to recite the pieces from head to toe.

“The helmet of salvation.
The breastplate of righteousness.
The shield of faith.
The belt of truth…” 

I got stuck on that one. The belt of truth… I’d once heard a pastor say that the belt guards your most private, most sensitive parts. And this Scripture came to mind: “You desire truth in the innermost being” (Psalm 51:6). 

So I took a deep breath and began to ask God:  What does it mean to have the belt of truth guard my innermost being? How do I speak truth over my innermost being – those parts of my body that don’t work correctly – instead of speaking frustration and condemnation to it?

Immediately, He began to remind me of the truths:

“For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

“I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

“Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you.”

“I will not be ashamed, but….Christ will be honored in my body.”

Friends, this was eye-opening for me. As I fight with the disease of PCOS and am daily reminded that my female body fails to operate the way it’s meant to, it’s easy to fall into the exact mindset I was in that morning — of harsh and disappointed thoughts toward myself and my body.

The truth is that God intentionally, lovingly, and creatively crafted this body of mine, just as He did yours, and He did so for His beautiful purposes. 

Does this mean God gave me a hormonal disorder and wants me to suffer its side effects and heartaches? No, it doesn’t. Disease is in this world because sin is in this world. But I’m reminded that He is Lord over all of it.

On a recent Sunday, my pastor said that God is working on the microscopic level of our lives — the smallest of details that we can’t even see. I think that includes our hormones and our dysfunctional innermost parts.

Where are you tempted to speak harsh or frustrated words toward your body? Maybe it’s not your hormones, but maybe it’s your weight, your acne, or your invisible illness. I encourage you to ask the Lord to show you HIS TRUTH that you can speak over your body today. Our words and thoughts are so powerful.

Let truth guard your innermost being.