Sunday, December 16, 2018

De-Stressing Christmas

Happy Christmas season, dear reader!

As we all shop and wrap and decorate and hurry about, I wonder, how is your heart this season? What thoughts or worries are consuming your mind? What obligations are demanding your attention? What are you rejoicing in? What are you mourning? Are you hurrying too much? Resting too little? What do the meditations of your heart turn to when you unplug the tree lights and go to bed at night?

This morning my pastor’s message was titled “De-Stressing Your Holiday,” and he spoke of Mary and Martha. He reminded us that we don’t know the result of what Martha did that day — Scripture doesn’t record how clean her house was, what she made for dinner, how many people came over, or if her cheesecake turned out right. No one knows. But Mary… “Mary has chosen the good portion [of all the things she could have chosen to focus on!] and it will not be taken from her.”

I wanted to share a few things with you that give life and rest to my soul in the holiday season, and help me to focus on what’s really important.

  • Emily P Freeman’s ‘The Quiet Collection’ podcast. While the deadline has passed to sign up for this daily installment of Christmas reflections, I encourage you to look up Emily’s regular podcast, “The Next Right Thing.”  Each episode is only about 15-20 minutes long, so totally doable even in a busy day. Emily’s voice is lovely and soothing, and her messages so gracious.
  • Christmas lights in my window. So simple, but it’s something that brightens both my living room and my soul. Especially here in Alaska when it gets dark in the middle of the afternoon this time of year, something as simple as framing my windows with Christmas lights becomes something beautiful and uplifting.
  • JJ Heller’s Christmas album. I’ll be honest, this plays in our home year-round! We just love JJ Heller’s voice and songwriting. Her songs Christmas Is Here and Star of Wonder are my favorites.
  • Shopping small. Yes, shopping can be part of the stress of the season. But for me, knowing that the money I’m spending is going to a family, to someone’s dream, to a kid’s first trip to Disneyland, it makes me feel good about the gifts I’m purchasing.
  • Darigold Egg Nog. Hey! We can spend the rest of the year watching what we eat, right? I am a firm believer in egg nog at Christmas! It’s a once-a-year treat, and whatever yours is — sugar cookies? cider? fruitcake? — I think the calories are worth being extra kind to yourself this time of year.
  • The Word of God. This fall I got to hear Lauren Bourne speak at a conference, and on the topic of the Bible being our spiritual food, she said, “The Word of God is not just a salad; it’s meat and potatoes and bread.” The Word — if we let it — really satisfies and sustains us. So in the midst of holiday parties and trips to the post office, I am trying to make sure I sit with the Lord and get into His Word.

May your heart find quiet and rest this Christmas week, my friend!