Tuesday, November 20, 2012


1.  My darling sister and best friend is coming home tonight, along with her hubby (my brother-in-law).  I can't wait to tackle her with hugs when she gets here.  I miss our sister time so much.

2.  You should check out this short blog post:  Path of the Paddle .  It's pretty wonderful.  

3.  I am counting down the days until I go to San Diego, California (there are 12 days left in the countdown, if you were wondering).  I have hopes for it to be an amazing week in many ways... including the fact that I get to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time.  

4.  I'm missing Camp Ba Yo Ca lately.  

5.  I've been doing a 2-week Scripture reading plan that covers remarkable prayers in the Bible.  A few commonalities I've noticed in the prayers of these men of God:  a) they were bold and faith-filled, b) they were often spoken aloud in an assembly of people, c) they reminded God of His own promises, and d) they were answered.  

6.  "All Things Possible" by Mark Schultz has made my list of favorite songs lately.  A few favorite lines: 

I know mountains can move
I've seen what You can do in my weakness
So my heart will believe
If I wait I will see
My God doing what only He can do

My God is strong and mighty
My God is faithful
My hope is in the Lord
For He is able

Still I'm holding on 
To the One who's making
All things possible

7.  There are a LOT of service and ministry projects you can choose from to do this Christmas.  I get that.  Just want to offer a suggestion, if you're looking for a way to give back and are interested in blessing our U.S. military... check out Any Soldier .  I discovered this organization today and am looking forward to participating.  

8.  I'm learning lately about.... real faith....trust in God's heart....hope beyond hope (Romans 4:18).  It's interchangeably wonderful and terrifying.  

9.  I'm also learning that I need to have purposeful diligence in my Bible reading habits.  In other words, not just picking it up and reading something random each day.  Focus it.  Pursue it.  Pursue HIM through it.  

10.  Here's something else you can do.  Do a Google image search for the word "beautiful" (make sure you have safe search on - friendly reminder :-) ) and look at the pictures that come up.  There are some beautiful and unique ones.  It's interesting to see what people label as beautiful.