Saturday, August 20, 2011

what next?

So, I unexpectedly had to go out of town again a few days after getting back from Charleston -- this time to Mississippi for a funeral. I got back home early this afternoon, for a couple of days to rest up before starting back to work. It's been a quiet day of laundry, movie-watching, etc.
I have virtually no food in the house, so tonight I drove out to Subway to grab dinner. I brought it back to camp, and walked out to the Frontier Adventure field and sat at one of the picnic tables to eat. As is common these days, what came to my mind was -- where am I going from here? It's strange that this place that felt so much like home just a few months ago, feels uncomfortable and unwelcoming to me now. I know it's almost time to move on. But I have no idea where I'm going next. So my prayer continues to be, "God, show me where to go. Show me what You have for the next season."
I know He will, in time. The hard part is waiting on the answer to come. And I'm praying, too, that I can be content here until He opens the next door. I want to live with purpose, every day He gives me.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Charleston Road Trip

During one of the last weeks of camp this summer, my friend Amanda and I sat on the dock one night talking... and I mentioned that I had a week of vacation from work after summer camp ended. My family was not doing anything special that week, so I was trying to decide how to spend my vacation week. This is where the idea was born.... ROAD TRIP!
After a lot of plotting and planning, it all came together. A group of 4 of us girls (who all work at camp together in the summers) set off on a road trip to Charleston, South Carolina. I give you photos....
in the car, ready to go!

Yay South Carolina!!

pretty streets and buildings in historic Charleston

enough food to feed an army.... or four girls :-)

beach day!

dressed up for our last night in Charleston

And, shall we finish with the LOVELY concert we had in the car on the way home. We were tired and mostly quiet on the drive home, but this was the moment when the Starbucks rush kicked in....