Monday, July 16, 2012

going away...

I leave today for three-and-a-half weeks of mission trips! God has led me to spend time in Kenya and in Romania for the next month, and I'm really excited to see what He has in store!

I don't know if I'll have a chance to update the blog while I'm gone, but I do plan to post updates on Facebook as often as I can. So if we are friends there, you can get the latest updates and the photos of super adorable children and other cool stuff :-) If we're not Facebook friends, then you will have to wait until I get back, and I'll share some of that cool stuff here on the blog.

Either way, I'd love it if you would keep me in your prayers for the next few weeks. Like any mission trip, this will be challenging and adventurous in many ways, but I believe it will also be amazing! Thank you for your prayers... see you in 3 1/2 weeks!!