Sunday, June 21, 2015

I'm still alive, and here are some photos to prove it.

Okay, y'all, so I'm literally sitting down and forcing myself to write something on this blog today. It's been about 3 weeks since I've posted anything, and if I want to stick with my goal of "blogging regularly" (that's obviously loosely interpreted), I need to post something today while I have the time.

The only problem is, I don't really have anything brilliant to say today. So instead, I'm going to give you a few pictures of life lately. Here we go.

This is what a bunch of baby campers in the rain looks like. Aren't they adorable, in their colorful little rain jackets?!?! I just love them.

 This is a panorama I took at the Mendenhall Glacier. You can see Mendenhall Lake, a glimpse of the glacier in the right corner, and Nugget Falls to the right. Sorry, I can't remember the name of that mountain. 

And this is just a cute picture of me and my sweet hubby. Love that guy.

This is what a 4am airport run in Alaska in the summer looks like. Yes, sunrise was about 3:45 that day. We took a group of people to the airport, came back to the dorm, closed our thick curtains, and went back to bed.

This is me eating a halibut burger. DE-LI-CIOUS.

And that's my photographic summary of life lately! :-)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Things I Learned in May

Things I Learned in May

I'm joining Emily at Chatting at the Sky today for her "What I Learned in May" link-up.  Check out Emily's post and the other ladies' links, too!
Here are a few things, in no particular order, that I've learned in these past 31 days...

  • Weed-eating isn't as fun as I used to think it was. 
I used to love running a weedeater back when I worked at Camp Ba Yo Ca, so the other day I enthusiastically volunteered to help my husband out by doing so. Turns out it's not so enjoyable -- getting pelted in the face and arms with flying pebbles and grass? No thanks.

  • After a month of sun, I'm ready for rain.

Let's be honest, us Alaskans don't know what to do with this much sunshine. It's fantastic, don't get me wrong! I love the sunshine more than the rain, for sure. But a whole month with only 2 days of rain? Seriously, are we even in Southeast Alaska? The dust and the flies are getting ridiculous. Never thought I'd say this, but... time for a few rainy days.

  • Condensing your life story into 5 minutes is hard.
During Summer Staff Orientation here at camp, we each shared our testimonies and were limited to about five minutes each, since there were so many of us. Yeah. That's challenging. I feel like I left out lots and lots of important stuff.

  • When you live at work, time off isn't really a real thing.
Even when we're "off," we're thinking about work, talking about work, and often, actually working instead of being off. It's a tricky boundary. 

  • Hubby and I can eat a whole bag of these in one sitting.
Seriously, if anyone wanted to send us a bunch of these in the mail, we wouldn't be very mad ;-) 

  • Marriage really is challenging.
People always told me the first two years of marriage are the hardest, and I never believed them. I always thought, "Nah, the first years would be the best, right? Honeymoon phase!" But you know, there's a lot of adjustment, learning, growing, compromising, and stretching involved in these first months. All of that is amplified when you live in a Christian community bubble and work in full-time ministry. It's all good, it truly is! Definitely not easy. But good. 

  • The valley is still my favorite place at camp. 

What have you learned this past month?